Doctor Nyla In The Press – June
Share this articleDr Nyla, Cheshire’s most glamorous cosmetic doctor, has shared her expertise with a number of magazines and blogs in the past month. Below, we have summarised some of her most recent press features.
Mail Online – ‘Help! My face looks like a chevron’
The article describes how for all women, after a certain age, fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear. Talking about the potential improvement a small tweakment can make (tweakment refers to a minimally invasive, often non-surgical treatment) Nyla said the following…
‘You don’t have to tackle your entire face. Addressing just the top area may be all you need for a transformational refresh.’
She suggests ‘lifting skin around the eyes and cheeks using ULTRAcel Q+ [high-intensity ultrasound] for instant and impressive results’. It isn’t painful, she says, more prickly, and ‘it’s brilliant at creating micro traumas in the skin to supercharge collagen production. Its plumping effect improves even more over time.’
If you’re concerned about fine lines or wrinkles, check out our condition page where we list the range of treatments available at our clinics that could be perfect for you.
Elle – ‘The Tretinoin Purge – A Beauty Myth Or Very Much Real?’
Gaining the perfect complexion has been an age-old challenge for both women and men. With over 319.7 million views on TikTok, and Google searches doubling in the past year, a lot of hype recently has been over Tretinoin, the potential miracle skincare ingredient used to achieve ‘the perfect complexion’.
So what’s Tretinoin’s skin-saving secret? The topical treatment works by accelerating the process of removal of dead skin cells and growth of new skin cells at a staggering rate (this is known as purging the skin). An overachiever, not only is it deemed a sure way to treat acne, it also increases collagen production, works on pigmentation, treats sun-damaged skin and reduces pore visibility.
Sounds perfect? There is a catch… ‘The difficulty is that a “purge” is a form of reaction, the industry has just decided to name it something else,’ explains Dr Nyla. ‘Typically, when a treatment is too strong of a concentration for your skin, you will know. The skin won’t just flake but it will feel painful, sore and very sensitive to touch. With Tretinoin skin redness, dryness, and mild burning may occur in the first few weeks of medication.’
Acquired only through a prescription in the UK, Tretinoin can bring about problems. ‘As with all medications, digestible or topical, there can be side effects and it shouldn’t be used when pregnant,’ says Dr Nyla. ‘Tretinoin can be uncomfortable and is generally not the first port of call for acne.’
Each person’s skin is unique to themselves, ensuring you find the right formula can often be a bit of a process. If you’re struggling with your skin and feel like an expert can help guide you – feel free to get in touch today.
With a range of treatments available for the skin, have a look at some of our treatments today!
Pop Sugar – ‘I Learned to Love My Thin Lips Thanks to These Best Lip Liners’
Having felt insecure about her ‘thin’ lips since adolescence, the writer describes how recently she has learned to accept her once insecurity, now instead owning it, allowing it to make her feel empowered.
Body positivity as a social movement focuses on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities, while challenging present-day beauty standards as an undesirable social construct.
Nyla Raja, a champion of body positivity told POPSUGAR, “Ideally, I want to encourage everyone to accept their natural features and make the most of what they have, whether this be through makeup, skin care, or cosmeceutical treatments, if that is what they want. The key is to always focus on what will suit the individual’s overall features.”
As a clinic we want to empower women and men to make them feel more confident in themselves. If you’re interested in reading more about the blog, click here.
In addition to the above articles, Nyla also featured in the below blogs in June…
- ‘Why Avocado Oil Is The Skincare Ingredient To Know’ –