Cheek Fillers London

Cheek fillers are dermal fillers applied to the cheek region.
As with all high quality fillers, they use hyaluronic acid, this a substance that occurs naturally in the body and stimulates collagen creation.
It is collagen depletion that does so much to age us, collagen keeps the skin tight and youthful looking so as we age, and we lose collagen, skin can become sunken and wrinkles and lines appear.
Cheek fillers therefore reverse this process, they encourage the creation of new collagen and elastin in the affected area and so the skin takes on a more youthful appearance once again.
They effectively heal from within, using the body’s natural processes to fill, and smooth the skin from within.
Cheek Fillers V Surgery
In years past, full cosmetic surgery was popular and this can produce noticeable results, but there are obvious, major downsides.
The surgery is expensive, it is major surgery that will be under general anaesthetic and there is typically a lengthy recovery process, especially if undergoing a full facelift. It is hard to see any benefit when compared to cheek fillers.
Cheek fillers produce results every bit as profound, but without surgery and by utilising the body’s natural processes. There is also no recovery period with fillers and, when administered by an experienced practitioner, the results can be easily predicted – with surgery the results can only really be seen once swelling has subsided.
Non-surgical methods can also achieve what is commonly known as a non-surgical facelift, this by utilising a series of procedures to address multiple signs of ageing. For instance, fillers, Botox, facial peels and skin tightening could all be used to address all lines, wrinkles and signs of ageing – if an issue such as a double chin was a concern this could be treated through Coolsculpting or other suitable option.
We are fortunate nowadays that you can have the impact of a full facelift, but without the surgery, expense or lengthy period of recovery. It has never been easier, or more convenient to look great!
Located in the heart of London, our premium Mayfair aesthetic clinic provides world-class treatments in an elegant and discreet setting. We’re proud to serve clientele from London’s finest neighbourhoods, including Mayfair, Knightsbridge, Chelsea, Kensington, Notting Hill and surrounding areas.
There can be minimal side effects, usually this will be mild swelling, potentially some bruising and also some soreness.
However, all are mild and would fade inside a few days. Anyone who experienced more serious side effects should contact their clinic – this another benefit to only using a clinic run by medical professionals – not only will the treatment be safer, but they can also offer medical advice if you have any queries or concerns post treatment.
Compare this to a clinician with no skill or expertise.
Next Steps
The process of cheek fillers should begin with a consultation, this your opportunity to discuss the results you wish to achieve and the practitioner to suggest the best course of action.
To book a consultation with Doctor Nyla in London, at her Harley Street clinic, please simply contact us via the methods below.
Dr Nyla is one of the leading cosmetic dermatologists in the UK – she is trusted by many high-profile clients and her expertise makes her someone that media publications regularly seek an opinion from.
Dr Nyla’s clinic won Top Cosmetic Clinic Award in the UK for 2019.
Her testimonials are universally positive and her reviews on the independent TrustPilot site outstanding.
If you would like to arrange a consultation, or simply want further advice please contact us today.
Call us on 0800 009 6661 or use the Contact Form.
If you have sunken cheeks or any desire to add volume to this area then this treatment is likely to be suitable and, indeed, recommended.
Full suitability would always be assessed at a consultation and your medical history taken into context – at least this would be the case when using an approved clinic led by a GP.
It is worth noting that facial aesthetics is an under-regulated area and many set up practices without relevant skills or experience.
Most adults though would be suitable – this is a non-surgical treatment after all and minimally invasive, it is injecting a substance – hyaluronic acid – that occurs naturally in the body.
The Process for Cheek Fillers
The first thing to note is that the process is not a stressful one.
With Doctor Nyla, you would arrive at her beautiful Harley Street clinic and then be met by professional, courteous staff. The treatment would see the cheeks numbed and then the injections carefully applied through an ultra thin needle.
The process itself will take less than an hour, and often no more than 30 minutes and this for many is ‘me time’, it is relaxing in a beautiful clinic rather than the stress of surgery.
It really is that straightforward, after the injections, you can go about the rest of your day, there is no downtime or lengthy recovery.
The dermal fillers add volume to the cheeks and make them plump once more and this occurs almost immediately.
However, full, final results will be visible a little while later – typically a matter of days – as any swelling and redness fades away.
Results of non-surgical treatments such as facial fillers are not permanent, but they do last for a good period of time.
Sunken cheeks will typically be gone for up to 12 months – after that it is a simple case of having another series of filler injections to continue this more youthful, vibrant appearance.
Patients come to look forward to their treatments as they know the impact they have, a short treatment to look years younger.
Cheek Filler Results
At consultation, we would be able to show examples of before and after images, these taken with the same lighting to be fully fair representations.
Images are of course far better than words when talking about the results of any procedure.
What we can say is that when administered with skill, this treatment does a superb job at treating the issue it is designed to treat. The cheeks will look more voluminous, plumper, more youthful.
Importantly though, they still look natural – you look a great version of yourself, but still yourself.
Dermal fillers are a wonderful way to address specific concerns, typically signs of ageing.
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