
What is Fat Freezing
Share this articleFat freezing is a hugely popular modern treatment that is in demand across the UK.
However, what is it, who is it suitable for, what are the other options and which are the best options, are all key questions for first timers.
In this post, Doctor Nyla – winner of the Best UK Clinic and a true expert in fat freezing methods – answers these key questions.
Fat freezing is a hugely popular modern treatment that is in demand across the UK.
However, what is it, who is it suitable for, what are the other options and which are the best options, are all key questions for first timers.
In this post, Doctor Nyla – winner of the Best UK Clinic and a true expert in fat freezing methods – answers these key questions.
Fat Freezing In Brief
The short answer for ‘what is fat freezing’ – also known as cryolipolysis – is that it is a non-invasive treatment for reducing and removing troublesome pockets of fat from specific areas.
If, for instance, someone has some tummy fat they wish to shift, fat freezing is likely to be suitable – it kills off the fat cells, making a profound improvement to appearance.
Despite being non surgical, it produces permanent results with the fat gone for good.
Fat freezing is not an overall treatment for general fat loss, it will not fight obesity. Instead, it is for fat pockets, those areas where fat seems to stay no matter how much we exercise, or how good our diet.
How Does Fat Freezing Work?
Fat freezing uses an applicator to target fat cells in a specific region, freezing them, which kills them, but this without damage to other cells (though some versions of fat freezing are more effective than others when it comes to the safety, as we detail below).
The killed off fat cells are then naturally dispelled by the body over time, they are then gone for good – the fat removed, not to return. This is not a temporary fix.
The science behind fat freezing actually stems from an everyday observation, a scientist noticing that his young daughter got dimples in her cheeks on eating an ice lolly. Realising that freezing could impact appearance and the behaviour of cells, this was then investigated further.
Nowadays, fat freezing has been recognised through dozens of medical trials and has been researched by world-leading institutions. The idea itself originates from Harvard.
Is Coolsculpting the best choice?
Undoubtedly, the leading version of fat freezing in Coolsculpting, indeed for some the two are synonymous as they would never consider any other version of fat freezing.
Coolsculpting has full FDA approval and produces proven, profound results as demonstrated by many scientific papers and research pieces.
Coolsculpting has patented Freeze Detect Technology, this automatically ensures that only the fat cells are being targeted and will adjust as required as it monitors the skin, feedback is instantaneous and the applicator would immediately stop freezing the cells if the skin were ever to get too cold.
Fat Freezing Treatment Areas
Fat freezing is used for localised pockets of fat – it can actually treat more than one area at a time, this through DualScultping. Doctor Nyla is the only UK practitioner to take this a stage further with QuadScultping – the ability to treat four separate areas of fat at the same time, therefore saving both expense and time.
Doctor Nyla also has Diamond Clinic status.
However, which parts of the body can be treated? The following list, while not exhaustive, provides a useful guide.
- The Stomach: Redefine your abdomen by removing stubborn areas of fat for a flatter and fitter appearance.
- Flank: Why choose an invasive tummy tuck when your flanks can look just as good after CoolSculpting?
- Bra Fat: For fat that accumulates around the armpit and bra area, we use a smaller applicator for a safe and incision-free procedure.
- Inner Thigh: If your thighs have been rubbing together and are causing discomfort, then get your thigh gap back with CoolSculpting.
- Outer Thigh: Do your outer thighs feel out of proportion with the rest of your body, dictating what clothes you feel comfortable wearing? Take back control with CoolSculpting.
- Under Arm: Don’t let bingo wings bring you down. Arm yourself with confidence with CoolSculpting.
- Upper Arm: Tone your upper arms for a bolder, stronger and lasting look.
- Back Fat: Get rid of fat folds and loose skin for a leaner build.
- Buttocks: If exercise hasn’t helped your bottom’s banana rolls, then reshape them with CoolSculpting.
- Neck: Remove your jowls or that double chin with this age-defying treatment.
Why Choose Fat Freezing?
Fat freezing is an effective way to tackle hard-to-shift fat build ups.
We are all prone to these, though the area of the body where we get fat varies by person.
Once fat has accumulated, it is very hard to then shift, even if we exercise and diet, the fat tends to remain in this area.
Exercise is always important to general health, so too a healthy diet but they do little to quickly shift fat from any one area.
Fat freezing does one thing amazingly well – it removes fat from the troublesome area, or areas.
We would always recommend the benefits of a good diet and exercise for your overall health, however, for the quick removal of fat pockets, we would recommend non-invasive treatments such as fat freezing.
Am I Suitable?
Most people who are in overall good health but have some fat they want shifted will be a good candidate for fat freezing.
However, true suitability is always determined at a detailed consultation, this also determining whether fat freezing is the best option, or if another option might be more suited to your individual needs.
We always factor in your full medical history and only recommend any treatment when it is truly in a person’s best interests.
As the treatment is non invasive, it has no real side effects but there are some for whom treatment would not be suitable, such as those who are currently pregnant.
Results from Freezing Fat
When considering results, we are specifically thinking of Coolsculpting as the leading version of fat freezing. Results from other lesser instances of fat freezing would produce lesser results.
Benefits are of course physical, but they can also greatly improve mental health. Having pockets of localised fat can be a cause for concern, potentially impacting confidence and self esteem.
In clinical studies, cryolipolysis was shown to reduce subcutaneous fat at the treatment site by up to 25% after one treatment. Improvements were seen in 86% of treated subjects. At 73%, the patient satisfaction rate is higher than with other technologies used for noninvasive lipolysis.” Kruger, N., Mai, S. V., Luebberding, S. & Sadick, N. S. (2014) Cryolipolysis for noninvasive body contouring: clinical efficacy and patient satisfaction.
Rather than using hundreds of words to describe results, it is better to showcase them through before and after images.
We have before and after images on site, while the official Coolsculpting site also has a huge range of images from former patients.
Side Effects and After Care
Again, we are specifically thinking of Coolsculpting, the leading version of cryolipolysis.
As a non-invasive, non surgical treatment, it does not lead to major side effects or the need for lengthy recovery. Instead, there is typically at most mild swelling, some numbness and very localised bruising.
There are no after care requirements, no requirement to avoid activities or limit what you do.
Instead, you can simply go about your usual activities – indeed, you can have Coolsculpting treatments and then return to work that same afternoon.
Fat Freezing v Alternatives
In terms of fat freezing, there is no comparison between Coolsculpting and other options – Coolsculpting is the approved version with proven results.
However, at consultation we would discuss fat freezing v other options for the removal of fat deposits.
One that has been traditionally popular but is now less so is liposuction. Liposuction is an invasive procedure, whereby fat is removed under general anaesthetic.
Liposuction can be effective, but given it is invasive and produces results that are no better than non-invasive options, there is no reason to recommend it. It may have similar benefits, but it has notable extra disadvantages, including the potential for serious side effects such as heart and kidney problems.
An option that could be discussed is Aqualyx, these are fat dissolving injections.
LIPOCel would be another option, this uses high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to target the fat cells.
At a detailed consultation, Doctor Nyla would discuss with you which option was the best choice to achieve the results you seek.
About Doctor Nyla
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