What is an 8 point facelift?
The 8 point facelift takes a whole-face approach to achieve a fresh and rejuvenated appearance.
1 & 2. Cheek Bones/Facial Structure: A small amount of volume in the area enhances the cheekbones and often aids to lift the Nasolabial folds.
3. Tear Trough/Mid-face: Reduces the appearance of tired hollows under the eye area. If you have noticed significant hollows you may need additional product with a softer, more flexible dermal filler to help with this. Ask your practitioner if this additional treatment is right for you.
4. Nasolabial fold adjacent to nose: This area often droops or sags with age, so adding volume here can give you a more youthful appearance. Some people have nasolabial folds naturally, while in others they appear due to ageing. Dermal fillers can be a benefit to the patient by filling this area.
5. Mouth Corners: The down turning of the mouth with age gives the appearance of a ‘Down Frown’ that can cause the patients to look sad and aged. Creating some support with dermal fillers can not only lift the face but make patients look happier too!
6. Prejowl area: Loss of volume in the Jaw, Cheek and Chin areas can all contribute to jowl formation, so replacing volume in the hollow along the jawline, along with the other areas of the 8 point lift, can help to reduce or improve jowls.
7. Jawline: As we age, we lose the squareness or angle of the jaw. This treatment helps to lift and support the lower face as the lower face starts to fall forward, contributing to jowls and sagging. A subtle enhancement of the angle of the jaw can help lift the treated areas. If you have significant loss of volume in this area you may require more product and different techniques to get the best results.
8. Lower cheek/Buccal area: Hollowing of the Buccal area can contribute to the ‘accordion’ smile lines and can make patients look older and more gaunt. Treating this area with filler can help with and improve the natural curve and structure of the cheek.
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The 8 point facelift, also known as ‘the liquid face lift’ or ‘non-surgical face lift’, is fast growing in popularity at our clinics. Our patients have discovered that this treatment provides a quick and effective solution to turning back the clock, without the need for a lengthy recovery.